Great Day at Hilton Falls

What an extraordinary day it was at Hilton Falls, the weather was threatening but no rain appeared. It was clear that the water was down but it added a different look to the falls and it also allowed Paul and Brian and chance to walk in closer to the falls to get some more interesting…

Hilton Falls Trip October 5th

  Our Hilton Falls trip is just a short time away on Saturday October 5th and I thought I would put this site up so we could have some communication through the web as well as our Glassboard. For more details click on the Events menu item above and click on Hilton Falls. Please sign…

Welcome GTA ADEs

  Hello Everyone, Although this site is called the GTA ADE site, it is really for any ADE who would like to join us. Please feel free to drop by any time to see what we are planning and you are always welcome. At our first meeting at St. Roch Catholic Secondary School in Brampton,…